Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Bugler of the Yellowstone

"Bugler of the Yellowstone"

24.25" x 31.5"
$580.00 USD

Did you know that elk once roamed nearly all of the United States and parts of Canada? With the expansion of explorers, fur trade, railroads, settlers, and the gold rush came the encroachment of Native American wildlife habitats.  Large numbers of species were greatly diminished or caused to become extinct.  Thankfully, with conservation and sportsmen's groups working together, the elk are living in various parts of the country again.   One such group is the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.  They state that herds are now located in the western United States, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina.

The bull elk can weigh around 700 lbs. and have antlers weighing 40 lbs.  Their antlers can grow more than an inch a day during summer growth.  They lose their mighty headgear later in winter after the rut season and mating are over.  I have had the privilege of being in the Rocky Mountains during the fall rut season and hearing the elk bugling all around me as I painted.  Here is a sample video of that wild sound:  

I greatly enjoyed the entire process of woodburning this bull elk on birch panel.  If you love the wild outdoors or know of some sportsman who would enjoy having this elk hanging in their den, please contact me.

Lastly, this is Thanksgiving Day here in America.  We have so much for which to be thankful!! May yours be a joy-filled thanksgiving!  My art manikin Michelangelo and my studio wildlife give their Thanksgiving encouragement!

Live bravely and beautifully!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Make Today Your Masterpiece

"Mt. Shuksan"
Small watercolor study

The great basketball coach John Wooden shared a piece of advise his father told him when John was 12 years old:  "Make each day your masterpiece."  Looking at the legacy John Wooden left demonstrates that he took that to heart.  That motto is available to each of us to incorporate into our lives.  What are some ways that you can do that?

1.  "Be where your feet are."  ---Cassandra Barney

We live in the age of attraction distraction.  The digital world slips into every available nook and cranny of our conscious lives.  Drive down a busy city street and you find people with their heads down and their cell phones up.  Constant checking of emails or social media messages can become a dictator and minimizer of our focus, productivity, and a life well-lived.

Counter that impulse with a desire to cultivate a rich and fulfilling life.   Be aware of what's happening in your world and with the people you care about.  Purpose to be outdoors beholding nature regularly.  Read a REAL book with paper and pages to turn.  Read often! Listen to great music and look at great art.  Engage in lively conversation with the people around you.  Notice everything...colors, sounds, smells, temperature, moods, activity, weather.

2.  "Life is the total sum of what you do with the moments given you.  ---Erwin McManus

Staying in the present demands focus.  What happened yesterday is past.  What entices you to worry about for tomorrow hasn't happened, is not guaranteed to happen, and probably won't happen, so why waste your precious time there?!  Today is what counts!  That is where your opportunity to create value and benefit people's lives exists.  Evaluate your time usage of each moment by asking critical questions like:  "Is what I'm doing right now in this moment making a difference for eternity, moving me closer to my goals, or helpful to other people?"  Never underestimate the power of the small!  If what you are doing right now is a wise choice though a seemingly small action, it will accrue interest for you down the road.  C.S. Lewis wrote:  "Good and evil both increase at compound interest.  That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of."  

All you have is today, these moments.  Make them count!  Make today YOUR masterpiece!

Live bravely and beautifully!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

America Said Yes!

"Freedom Flying High"

What an historic week this has been in the United States!  The results of the national election are now realized.  America said "yes" to a whole new direction for the country!  

*Americans said "yes" to life!
All citizens, including the unborn, are included in the right to life.  Hopefully Supreme Court justices will now be selected that reflect the heart of the American people.

*Americans said "yes" to limits!
A country without borders is no longer a sovereign nation.  The laws of the land and the requirements to live in this land are to be upheld.  The safety of the country's own citizens and the needs of the veterans and homeless must be given a priority.  When a country can operate from a position of strength and flourishing, it is better able to care for the needs of a hurting world.  America welcomes legal immigrants who understand what made this country great and wish to assimilate and contribute to that culture.  As for the world chaos that has created a refugee crisis, there are better ways to care for those people groups closer to their countries of origin.  Americans are rejecting massive immigration without proper vetting of peoples' backgrounds and intentions for entering the country which endangers the safety of U.S. citizens.

Americans also said "yes" to limits to big government and it's overreach into our lives. The voters said "yes" to less taxation and more fiscal discipline in government."A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy..." Professor Alexander Fraser Tyler writing when the states were still colonies of Great Britain, explaining why democracies always fail.  They said "yes" to limits on globalism and corporate agendas that do not serve the best interests of America.

*Americans said "yes" to liberty!
Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is a cherished living document that safeguards our rights as free citizens.  Our elected officials are sworn into office promising to uphold the Constitution and abide by its laws.  "In a government of laws, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy." Justice Louis Brandeis

One final thought about the recent election is this:  no government or leader on this earth is perfect.  The effects of the fall and sin corrupt all of us, from the halls of government all the way to our own hearts.  Let us pray for wisdom for our leaders and for ourselves as citizens of a nation that we will all work for what is true and right and beautiful...that is art!  We ultimately look forward to what George Frederick Handel wrote in his masterpiece oratorio, The Messiah, :

for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth
Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!
The kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ
And He shall reign forever and ever
King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Now for a little bit of presidential family has had numerous encounters with Presidents of our country.  My second cousin Audrey had President John F. Kennedy speak at her college commencement address.  My older brother, Gordon Whitbeck, met with President George W. Bush regarding small business administration.  Here's a photo of my brother with President Bush:
And finally, I got to see President-elect Donald Trump on May 7th this year at a huge campaign rally in which I heard Mr. Trump speak.
(from my sketchbook that day)

Live bravely and beautifully!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Shakespeare and Your Vote

Small watercolor study

This coming week will contain an important event in the United States.  It will be Election Day, a wonderful opportunity for U.S. citizens to choose their leaders for the coming term by casting their votes.  It has been a wild and wearying campaign season.  I do encourage you to exercise your right to vote!

Sometimes it seems like corruption and greed loom large in leadership.  The task of overcoming strong powers that want to keep the status quo and use American taxpayer dollars freely without submitting themselves to the same systems can seem daunting.  Our leaders are violating the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights that they vow to protect.  But our vote is our voice!  Please exercise your right to vote.  It does matter!

You may think that it's too late to effect change or useless.  Let me remind you from history that many times when the odds have been overwhelming, the minority was able to overcome the insurmountable and win.  Remember the famous Battle of Agincourt in which England's King Henry V rallied his small battle-weary troup who were vastly outnumbered by the French.  Shakespeare immortalized King Henry's St. Crispin's Day speech in his play, Henry V.    Here is a video clip of it here:

Most of all, pray for the United States and the leadership it needs.  Pray that what is right and good will prevail, that selfish and corrupt interests will be exposed, that we will truly be one nation under God again, and that people's lives can flourish and thrive in our country.

Be strong, take heart,!

Live bravely and beautifully!