The Discovery
5" x 7"
We all have those special moments in our lives like coming upon a deer in the woods by surprise, watching a thrilling sunset over the ocean, listening to a beautiful symphony performance, standing on top of a very high mountain, watching extreme tidal changes, holding your newborn children for the first time, finishing a marathon, receiving your diploma at college commencement, enjoying the adventure of a 50 mile bike ride, watching breathlessly as an eagle dives nearby into a cascading river, hearing the thundering of hooves as a herd of horses gallops by, or the piercing scream of a mountain lion in the night from the safety of your mountain cabin. Sometimes the beauty and joy of the moment can be felt like an ache in the heart. The moment is so poignant and fleeting. You can't hold onto it. You try to grasp it but it slips elusively through your hands.
The Path
5" x 7"
Simone Weil said that beauty and affliction are the only two things that can pierce our hearts. Something can be experienced as so beautiful that it hurts. C. S. Lewis called it JOY. He wrote: "It is difficult to find words strong enough for the sensation that came over me...Milton's enormous bliss of 'Eden' comes somewhere near it." He goes on to define it as an unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction." Lewis suggests that all our lesser joys in life are but precursors or pointers to the source of all joy and delights which is God Himself. Joy is something that we can't live without. Many people search for it in all kinds of ways, often to their harm. But only One can satisfy deeply and forever! And He invites us to drink deeply from His river of delights! Imagine that!!
Here's a moment of beauty for you to enjoy with one of my favorite contemporary composers, Yuhki Kuramoto at the piano playing "Lake Louise" with accompanying violinist:
Here's whats currently on my easel:
Be brave and courageous!