Monday, March 10, 2014

Honk, Honk, Beep, Beep

The great migrations of countless wings and beaks are beating their way north.  Spring is in the air!  Traveling this weekend allowed me to see ribbons of geese flowing in the sky as well as fields white with snow geese stopping for a break.  What can beat the wonder of tilting your head to detect the beating of wings or the distant honking of Canadian geese on the move.  The great migration....what a marvel and a mystery!!  Makes you want to take off and travel along to see where they all go.  

With such beautiful weather today, I  couldn't help  but abandon the detailed work at my easel and go for a walk with sketchbook and pen in hand.  The above sketches are the end result.  Get out and enjoy what's happening in the skies!  Honk, honk!  Beep, beep!  

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