Thursday, December 22, 2016


My art manager/manikin Michelangelo and his wildlife friends are all taking a moment this season to consider what most amazing Gift lay in the manger in Bethlehem so long ago! Here's a poem written by a favorite poet of mine...Ruth Bell Graham...she captures the essence of Christmas in it:

There will be less someday---
much less,
and there will be more:
less to distract
and amuse;
More, to adore;
less to burden
and confuse;
More, to undo
the cluttering of centuries,
that we might view
again, That which star
and angels
pointed to;
we shall be poorer---
and richer;
stripped---and free:
for always there will be a Gift,
a Tree!

---Ruth Bell Graham

(This is a piece titled "Adoration of the Shepherds" that was attributed to Rembrandt but since is thought to be a work of one of his students.)

Here's a carol of longing by The Piano Guys that deeply expresses our hearts' desire and hope for ourselves and the world...I love cello music!

Merry Christmas to you!

Live bravely and beautifully!

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