Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hope Plants A Garden

9" x 12"

The year's at the spring
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn:
God's in his heaven---
All's right with the world!

---Robert Browning.

Turn off the news!  Go outside.  Take a deep breath.  Look for awhile at the sky, the distant horizon, the trees, the birds, the garden.  Yes....about the garden.  Every year this season brings out the gardener in many of us.  We are antsy to get those seedlings into the ground or plant those first rows of lettuce, turn over the humus, or feel the rich, moist soil in our fingers.  It takes hope to plant a garden.  You don't see the results right away.  You trust that there will be adequate rain and sun.  You hope that you can stay on top of the weeds, bugs, and four-footed nibblers.  
Study in Oranges
9" x 12"
So, too, in life, we go about our endeavors.  We hope that what we are doing is meaningful and will be of benefit to others.  We go on, inspite of what the news is raging about, inspite of war, horrible atrocities, and uncertain futures.  Countless times in history the power of one or the small to make an incredible impact on others for the good occurs.  Plant seeds this week in the garden of life that will leave a lasting legacy for those who follow...that they will see beauty, goodness, and truth.  And believe.  So that they will take a strong hold of life and be encouraged to build on your legacy, and go beyond.  

Here's a song titled "Hymn to Hope" by the group Secret Garden:

Be brave and courageous!

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