Thursday, March 24, 2016

It's Empty!

The Empty Garden Tomb
14" x 17"

Over the centuries Western art has depicted the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ in masterful works.  Christ's death is the pivot point in our B.C./A.D. time keeping.  His resurrection provides the mighty hope that has empowered millions.  Here's a few of my favorite paintings on this topic:

(Etching by Rembrandt - 1653)

Christ and St. Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
Rembrandt - 1638

I love how Rembrandt portrayed Christ as looking like a gardener to Mary at the tomb.  

Doubting Thomas
Caravaggio - 1597

I like what Eric Liddell, the 1924 Olympic gold medalist of whom the famous movie Chariot's of Fire was made, said about the resurrection:  

The cross  is not the end; there follows the victory of the resurrection.  What does it mean?  Here was a creative act of God.  It was a new revelation of the living power of the living God.  Christ rose from the dead!  

The resurrection has a meaning for life.  It means the possibility of new life here and now, a risen life, a new quality of being.  Life!  Eternal life!

New life!  New joy!  New hope!

Happy, joy-filled Easter to you all!  

Live bravely and beautifully!

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