Thursday, March 16, 2017

Going Places

"Morning Flyover"
(Small watercolor)

This morning on my walk I heard a very welcome sound.  Honking geese were flying high in formation towards the north.  I love this time of the year in which the flyways of the skies are filled with migrating birds heading towards their summer habitats.  

The sense of going places in one's life is uplifting!  An expectancy of what's to be gained keeps one in the chase, overcoming obstacles, and gaining ground.  Joy flows in the current of our lives, no matter the hardships encountered.  Our lives are tracking in forward motion and that encourages growth.  And that is what migration is about...a moving from one place to another.

But what happens when we run aground, get stuck, and sense stagnation in our lives? What factors contribute to lack of motion in our lives?  Perhaps we've taken our eyes off the ball and allowed inactivity to creep into our lives regarding disciplines and goals. We've started to settle for what comes naturally instead of endeavoring to stretch and grow. 

Stagnation comes from lack of action in our lives.  What is needed is to take meaningful action.  Life is already full of dulling "busy-ness". Reflective consideration of where we're at and where we'd like to go helps pull us out of a rut and head us into the race again.  Choose to keep it simple and take small steps.  Evaluate what truly matters and commit to growth. Nourish your soul by rich reading, friendships, and actions that improve the lives of others. Choose to focus on what you care about...what fascinates and motivates you.

Be willing to wrestle with growth steps.  Don't settle for stagnation. Stay in the fight.  It is in the process itself where growth occurs. Purpose to stay in forward motion.  

Stagnate pools can reek of foul odors and don't attract life.  Running streams of water are teeming with life and vitality.  King David opened the magnificent book of Psalms with his metaphor of  the living streams of a river in Psalm 1:  

"Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked, 
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.

But they delight in the law of the LORD,
meditating on it day and night.

They are like trees planted along the 
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do."

King David offers a way out of stagnation here.  Join the migration to a joyous and intentional life.  You'll truly be going places somewhere grand!

Live bravely and beautifully!

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