Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas in the Air#My Studio

 Michelangelo Taking Five

Bang!  Bzzzz!  More bang!  More bzzzz!  What's going on in my studio?! work! Of all sorts.  From the fragrant spice of a candle to the Internet Christmas channel streaming from Seattle's Classical FM catch a sense of Christmas joy.  Add to that the whir of drills and bzzing of saws.  Mix in neighing from horses emerging on my easel.

  "Oh, what fun it is to".....(you thought I was going to say "to ride in a one horse open sleigh" but, no to that)  ....create and give!  How's that?  That's what is happening around here. My art manikin Michelangelo had to stop and take some time out as he's been busy supervising my work.  First, let's take a look at what is taking place on my easel:
 The horses are shaping up.  Three out of the six are completed.  They are drinking so much that I keep having to stop drawing and head for the water hose for refills!

This week Bambi and Wiggles came back from the framers.  Boy, were they glad to get some hay, treats, and water again.  But these critters are wondering if someone would adopt them for Christmas and send them to a good home where there's plenty of hay, mice, and water?  Total price....$775.  Or think of it as a gift you can give someone that you won't find any where else! 

Next stop...over at my workbench Michelangelo is crawling out from under the pile of lumber. He's been excitedly helping me build a little tractor and hay wagon for my little grandson Caleb.  
Next week we hope to show you the finished product.  Grandkids "give" you permission to play again!  It sure is a joy to create and give!
The wise men are enroute to Bethlehem but stopped by my studio to remind me that their search and quest is to be predominant in my heart and yours this Christmas season.  Here is a look at a mural I did a few years back contrasting the search motives between King Herod and the Wise Men:
Both groups were looking for the Christ child but for different reasons.  I encourage you to take time during this Holiday and reflect on the reason for Christ's coming.  Enter into the joy of the angel choirs, the dumbfounded but ecstatic shepherds, and later the seeking-then- satisfied wise men.  No other day in history has the impact for humanity as this one except for the Resurrection.  
"Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, love Divine..."
---Christina Rossetti.

Wise men still seek one!

Be brave and courageous!


  1. Very , Very nice work. And my favorite time of year, we just need some snow. About 2 ft would work. :-)

    1. Thank you, Chris! And snow would provide some atmosphere, for sure!
